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Young Vic R&D 2019.

Munotida Chinyanga

Simone Giustinelli

Laura Singleton

Phoebe Shergold-Willis

Maggie Slaboń

Jessica Victoria Bourne

Ana Cardoso

Tânia Miranda de Carvalho

Joshua Jaz Impey

Stefano Puppio


Looking at the event - ‘The Flood’ which features prominently in several mythological text from Greek to African. We would like to investigate/ explore a contemporary response focusing on the Climate Crisis. The response will link our findings to current affairs, composing a physical response that includes dance and physical theatre.


We also looked at how sound can direct movement. We have been running workshops around sonic art in theatre, how headphones and app technology - instruments of isolation, can be used to socially engage large groups and even communities. R&D time allowed us to play with how we merge narrative, the physical language and sonic dramaturgy. 

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performing arts, creative arts, international, theatre.

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